Articles by Dr. Lisa Harrenstien

Avian Hemoparasites for 5 Minute Avian Veterinary Consult 2015

Avian Viral Neoplasias for 5 Minute Avian Veterinary Consult 2015

Zoonoses Working With Marine Animals for IMATA Soundings 2013

Disease Issues Affecting Species Recovery of Pygmy Rabbits poster at AEMV 2011 conference

Building a green zoo hospital from AAZV conference 2009

Contraception in zoo mammals from AAZV conference 2007

Pygmy Rabbit Mycobacterium Avium 28 Cases from JZWM 2006

Pygmy rabbit coccidiosis from J Parasitology 2005

Porcine zona pellucida for immunocontraception of domestic cats from Vaccine 2005

Rockfish blood point of care analysis from JAVMA 2005

Pygmy Rabbit Mycobacterium Avium poster from AZVT 2004

Porcine zona pellucida immunocontraceptive vaccine effects in zoo felids from JZWM 2004

Peafowl vasectomies poster at AAZV 2002

Enrofloxacin pharmacokinetics in red tailed hawks and great horned owls from J Avian Med Surg 2000

Tropicbird Dioxin Exposure from Organohalogen Compounds 2000

Pet Rabbit Gastrointestinal Diseases from SAEPM 1999

Enrofloxacin pharmacokinetics in red tailed hawks and great horned owls from AAZV conference 1998

Ceftiofur pharmacokinetics in birds from J Vet Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1998

Red wolf vaccination distemper parvovirus from J Wildlife Diseases 1997

Mammary cancer in zoo felids from JZWM 1996

Rabbit gastrointestinal genitourinary and musculoskeletal problems from Vet Med 1995

Rabbit overview and formulary from Vet Med 1995

Pronghorn hemolytic anemia from AAZV conference 1995

Rabbit respiratory ophthalmic neurologic and dermatologic problems from Vet Med 1995

Bushbaby fibrosarcoma clinical challenge from JZWM 1994

Ferret Rabbit and Rodent Critical Care from SAEPM 1994

Ferret biology and medicine from JSEAM 1994

The veterinary response to animal abuse from Vet Tech 1991

Loud calls of the ruffed lemur from J Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 1985